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Run for Clean Water in Kenya. 
There are 1400 people signed up and training to run the The Detroit Free Press Marathon to raise funds for Hope Water Project. If you think everyone in the world should have the very basic of necessities; Clean Water, …

Run for Clean Water in Kenya.

There are 1400 people signed up and training to run the The Detroit Free Press Marathon to raise funds for Hope Water Project. If you think everyone in the world should have the very basic of necessities; Clean Water, then you can donate here. even $1 helps. the goal is $1,000,000 and they are well on their way to reaching that goal. Click the link to donate. share it with your friends too!



Kauriong Orphanage, Kenya Slideshow by Brian Craig Photography

Over the past few months I have been consumed (in a good way) with a project that will probably be the most memorable thing I ever do photographically. The short term missions trip to Kenya. West Pokot deep in the bush. Here is a slideshow featuring the images I captured and some songs from the children there. Enjoy and share
