One word that summed up my Kenya experience was “surreal”. This image was taken while we were out with the @hopewaterproject team surveying the land for potential new well sites. Standing in the foreground is the tribe leader who is there to discuss the amazing impact a #cleanwater well would have on his village. Education, disease, livestock and crops to name a few. It was unreal to be a fly on the wall at these meetings out in the bush. This was a totally remote area and out of nowhere somebody would come walking up to greet us and share stories. #waterchangeseverything #hopewaterproject #kenya #waterislife #pokot @kensingtonchurch
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Continuing with my @hopewaterproject photo week. Every morning the kids who are lucky enough to go to school in remote Kenya have to first get water for the day. For some of them that may be a walk down the short path, for others that may be a five or 10 mile walk in extreme conditions. This also takes away from time they could be learning (which they LOVE). Water isn’t just water to them, it’s Life! #cleanwater #Pokot #waterislife #hopewaterproject #kenya #kids #smiles #grateful
Helping others is a great reason to wake up in the morning. Continuing with my @hopewaterproject Photo day, these are the hands of a woman who has probably worked harder than any of us in her lifetime. She is very grateful that a #Cleanwater well was drilled in her village. Removing most diseases and easing the extreme physical demand on the woman’s bodies in this region. Most woman here are in constant pain from carrying water for miles every day. Help someone today, whether it’s with water, a meal or a ride to work. You never know the prayer you might be answering. #women #mothers #water #prayer #kenya #water #waterislife
Another aspect to @hopewaterproject is this crazy awesome group of #marathon runners, 1200 strong. They have ran the #DetroitFreePressMarathon #DisneyWorldMarathon #ChicagoMarathon and many more races around the world. Their goal is to raise money for clean water for the people of #pokot. They push themselves to extreme physical limits all so that someone they may never meet can have a basic necessity. They have also learned that life is better lived in community with others. Don’t go through this life alone. #Cleanwater #waterislife #HWP #whyIrun #friends #community @kensingtonchurch #detroitstrong #runnersWorld