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I had the pleasure of shooting lots of images for Easter at @kensingtonchurch this past weekend, here is one of them that was used to thank all the amazing volunteers. #EasteratKensington #praiseandworship #singer #praise #Jesus #volunteer #music

I had the pleasure of shooting lots of images for Easter at @kensingtonchurch this past weekend, here is one of them that was used to thank all the amazing volunteers. #EasteratKensington #praiseandworship #singer #praise #Jesus #volunteer #music



Umphrey’s Mcgee Live at Meadowbrook Music Festiva

Last night UM brought their amazing live show to Rochester, Michigan with friends Sound Tribe Sector 9 (photos coming for STS9). It was a perfect Michigan summer night in a beautiful wooded setting. 

For those who aren’t familiar with their music; imagine a rock band mixed with Al Di Meola, Frank Zappa and a touch of shred metal, then you have Umphrey’s Mcgee (sort of). All top notch musicians! 

I have followed them for well over 13 years and have experienced over 15 shows in the Michigan area. From intamate venus like The Magic Bag to the most recent Meadowbrook Music Festival which is the largest I have seen them play. I shot photos for them at The Fillmore a couple years ago as well, click here to see those. 

The shows have gotten bigger and better but never losing sight of the music. This venue was great because it gave the band a chance to breath a bit and allowed Jefferson Waful (Lighting Designer for UM) room to play with some of the greatest lighting designs I have ever seen (and I have seen A LOT!) 

Enjoy these photos, more will be posted at




Last week I had the pleasure of shooting photos for The American Secrets when they opened up for Eddie Money @ DTE Music Theater.

They are the band you wish you were in. Fun, rockin, great catchy songs, amazing musicianship and they know how to have a great time on stage. 

You may know them as the “Free Credit band”. But they are much more than that. They have been described as a mix of The Beatles and Queen. Check out their music on iTunes and enjoy! 



Live Concert Polaroids.

Saturday night a few friends put on a concert, a night of awesome talent and music. This was to celebrate the release of DL Rossi’s (top photo) new self titled album. I decided to bring along my 1963 Polaroid Automatic 100 Land Camera for some fun. Here are 2 versions of images this camera cam produce: 1-the scanned negative. 2-the scanned print. I love both of these looks and depending on the feel of the scene I will use either. This was my first time shooting it in an actual concert usually i am all digital. This stage had awful lighting but i am looking forward to trying it out on better stages. 

Please download DL Rossi’s album and support musicians who are passionate about great song writing and wonderful music.

Also check out Flint Eastwood (Clay Carnill featured in bottom photo), an amazing band along the lines of The Black Keys and a few other straight out awesome high energy rock bands. Jax the front woman of Flint Eastwood was one of the most energetic leaders I’ve seen and was able to whoop that crowd up in no time! 

Thanks for the music friends. 



When I am asked what my dream job is, I often answer “shooting photos right in the front of the stage at concerts…for my friends if possible.  

This week I was able to do that for a few friends. @Claslan , @theInsyderz and new friends @FiveIronFrenzy played a show at The Royal Oak Music Theater. The show was awesome and it was a blast to shoot these guys in action. 

I also got to fully test out my new Nikon D800, I was MORE than pleased with the results and even happier with how it performed under the gun of live concert shooting. High ISO and super fast autofocus was amazing and allowed me to capture many fun moments. 

Please check out all these great bands and enjoy a few photos. Head over to my facebook and check out all the (low res) photos. 
