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Live Concert Polaroids.

Saturday night a few friends put on a concert, a night of awesome talent and music. This was to celebrate the release of DL Rossi’s (top photo) new self titled album. I decided to bring along my 1963 Polaroid Automatic 100 Land Camera for some fun. Here are 2 versions of images this camera cam produce: 1-the scanned negative. 2-the scanned print. I love both of these looks and depending on the feel of the scene I will use either. This was my first time shooting it in an actual concert usually i am all digital. This stage had awful lighting but i am looking forward to trying it out on better stages. 

Please download DL Rossi’s album and support musicians who are passionate about great song writing and wonderful music.

Also check out Flint Eastwood (Clay Carnill featured in bottom photo), an amazing band along the lines of The Black Keys and a few other straight out awesome high energy rock bands. Jax the front woman of Flint Eastwood was one of the most energetic leaders I’ve seen and was able to whoop that crowd up in no time! 

Thanks for the music friends. 



Took a nice drive off the beaten path this afternoon. Found some places be never seem before. Had a lot of fun taking photos. Both digital and polaroid. #polaroid #d800 #glenarbor (at Lake Michigan)

Took a nice drive off the beaten path this afternoon. Found some places be never seem before. Had a lot of fun taking photos. Both digital and polaroid. #polaroid #d800 #glenarbor (at Lake Michigan)



I had the pleasure of doing an event shoot at Spring Hill Camps in Evart, MI. It’s a beautiful place and the drive up is awesome in the Michigan fall. I had to pull out the old Polaroid Automatic 100 for these shots. I wanted to pull over so many times to get shots but needed to stay on schedule. 



Stopped off today for some roadside Polaroids of Pure Michigan #polaroid #puremichigan (Taken with Instagram)

Stopped off today for some roadside Polaroids of Pure Michigan #polaroid #puremichigan (Taken with Instagram)



Polaroid. I love shooting film and using old cameras. I recently bought an old 1963 Polaroid Automatic 100 Landcamera known as the “Mad Men Camera”. 

It shoots onto the peel apart polaroid film that gives you a negative. I scan that negative. That is what gives you that great classic border and vintage look and feel. 

Something I miss with digital photography is the “rareness” of a photo, capturing a moment and knowing that this image is the only one, the only recorded image of that event. Perfect or not, blurry or crisp that the one that goes in the photo book to always remember that time. 

I guess iIam a sucker for capturing and keeping memories. Enjoy these memories.
