Tonight’s photoshoot was for a Marathon Kickoff Rally for @hopewaterproject and I have shot for this great organization for many years. This year they are also including a massive road bike race that will ride across the state of Michigan as well as the #Detroit marathon. If you like to run, walk or bike and also like to help people in Kenya get clean water, then look into for more info. #cleanwater #cycling #roadbike #marathon #kenya #helpothers #running #bike
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Senior photo season is here! Already booking into May. This lovely senior wanted to have some photos taken in a dress that once belonged to her grandma. Very cool and stylish. Contact me to schedule your session or for more info. #seniorphotos #detroit #downtownrochester #troyhigh #retro #model #fashion
Nigerian fashions.
I had the pleasure of shooting photos for a fashion show here in #Detroit with a great young designer. JI Fashions. Her market is creating unique but classic African clothing for ladies and men here in America. Evening gowns for special events, or when you just want to stand out at an event. She is creating items with authentic fabrics and current style of Nigeria that you just can’t easily get here in America.
Umphrey’s Mcgee Live at Meadowbrook Music Festival
Last night UM brought their amazing live show to Rochester, Michigan with friends Sound Tribe Sector 9 (photos coming for STS9). It was a perfect Michigan summer night in a beautiful wooded setting.
For those who aren’t familiar with their music; imagine a rock band mixed with Al Di Meola, Frank Zappa and a touch of shred metal, then you have Umphrey’s Mcgee (sort of). All top notch musicians!
I have followed them for well over 13 years and have experienced over 15 shows in the Michigan area. From intamate venus like The Magic Bag to the most recent Meadowbrook Music Festival which is the largest I have seen them play. I shot photos for them at The Fillmore a couple years ago as well, click here to see those.
The shows have gotten bigger and better but never losing sight of the music. This venue was great because it gave the band a chance to breath a bit and allowed Jefferson Waful (Lighting Designer for UM) room to play with some of the greatest lighting designs I have ever seen (and I have seen A LOT!)
Enjoy these photos, more will be posted at
Vinsetta Garage gets some 35mm film love.
Once a long running, fully functional auto shop just miles outside of the motor city, Detroit, MI. After years of sitting empty a local restaurant owner decided it would be a great place for a cool restaurant right on the old drag strip of Woodward Ave.
If you are in the Detroit area make sure not to miss this amazing and eye catching place. Full of great unique burgers (Duck burgers with cherry compote, 3AM Egg Burgers and a Greek Lamb burger), the best onion rings I’ve had (sorry Red Coat Tavern), wood fired pizzas and the best Mac n Cheese around (this is a hot topic of debate in Detroit but I know where my allegiance stands). They also feature a crazy beer and wine list with a cool bar that looks into the “kitchen” where the cooks all wear mechanics shirts with their names on patches. The kicker, and where they rise above many other places is that darn near everything on the menu is made in house right down to the pretzel buns. “If we thought we could make ketchup better than Heinz then we would..” said the Exec Chef.
Ok, on to the photos, this isn’t a food review. These are 35mm film photographs I took years ago and just stumbled across them today. Taken with my old Minolta which was my dads that he gave to me. This gives you an idea of what the garage looked like back in the day. As you can see in the gallery on their site, not much as changed. They did swap out the old gas pumps for 2 electric car charging “pumps” which I think is pretty neat! But they really worked on keeping the same look and feel right down to drawings on the walls from former mechanics and air hoses coiled up in the ceiling. Literally everywhere you look you will see some cool piece.
If you are a car buff check it out, if you love a great burger check it out, if you just want a cool place to look around and grab a drink then this is your place. Just one of the many awesome places Detroit has popping up. The food scene is revitalizing this city and we are reaping the benefits. also check out their other amazing restaurant The Union Woodshop in Clarkston, MI.
thanks for looking
Brian Craig
Live Concert Polaroids.
Saturday night a few friends put on a concert, a night of awesome talent and music. This was to celebrate the release of DL Rossi’s (top photo) new self titled album. I decided to bring along my 1963 Polaroid Automatic 100 Land Camera for some fun. Here are 2 versions of images this camera cam produce: 1-the scanned negative. 2-the scanned print. I love both of these looks and depending on the feel of the scene I will use either. This was my first time shooting it in an actual concert usually i am all digital. This stage had awful lighting but i am looking forward to trying it out on better stages.
Please download DL Rossi’s album and support musicians who are passionate about great song writing and wonderful music.
Also check out Flint Eastwood (Clay Carnill featured in bottom photo), an amazing band along the lines of The Black Keys and a few other straight out awesome high energy rock bands. Jax the front woman of Flint Eastwood was one of the most energetic leaders I’ve seen and was able to whoop that crowd up in no time!
Thanks for the music friends.